Elegant Roses Bouquet contains a mix of pink roses and white roses. The bouquet is accented with lace flowers for a touch of elegance. This lovely bouquet is perfect for any occasion.
Bloom details:
- Pink Roses
- White Roses
- Red Roses
- Lace Flower
- Seasonal Foliage
- Complimentary Message Card
- Free Delivery
Bouquet measures approximately 30cm in diameter
Seasonal availability:
We're proud to offer exceptional quality flowers and plants - handpicked with love from our reliable growers. Depending on the season, we may substitute flowers or packaging of equal quality and value.
Prices, colors and availability:
Pictures and descriptions on the website are for indication only. The final product can consists of different type, color or quantity of flowers within the bouquet. However, we aim to deliver similar flower bouquet as depicted on the website.