This stunning bouquet is made up of all white flowers - white roses, white eustoma flowers and white carnations. Perfect for a traditional, elegant wedding or for sending your sympathies during a time of loss, this beautiful bouquet is sure to touch hearts.
Bloom details:
- White Roses
- White Eustoma Flowers
- White Carnation Flowers
- Seasonal Foliage
- Complimentary Message Card
- Free Delivery
Seasonal availability:
we pride ourselves on supplying quality flowers and plants, which have been sourced with care from trusted growers. Due to seasonal availability, we reserve the right to substitute goods or packaging of equal quality and value.
Prices, colors and availability:
Pictures and descriptions on the website are for indication only. The final product can consists of different type, color or quantity of flowers within the bouquet. However, we aim to deliver similar flower bouquet as depicted on the website.
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